Health Benefits Of Forest Honey

Health Benefits Of Forest Honey

Nature is a great store of some remarkable food products which are very healthy and honey is an A-lister among them. Given the numerous health benefits of honey, especially forest honey, it is extensively used as a sweetener, energy source and an important ingredient in traditional medicines like Ayurvedic treatment.

Typically, forest honey is a rich source of essential vitamins such as Vitamin C and B6 and nutrients such as magnesium, phosphorous, sodium, calcium, potassium, zinc and iron. It is also enriched with sucrose and fructose which are great energy sources.

Top 4 Health Benefits Of Forest Honey

Let’s look at the top four health benefits offered by forest honey in detail.

  • A good healing agent: Since forest honey has excellent antibacterial properties, it serves as a good healing agent. It can readily help in healing wounds from abrasions, bed sores, ulcers, etc. What’s more? It serves as an antiseptic as well and helps in prevention of growth of harmful micro-organisms. It can even provide protection from allergies. Further, due to the natural presence of hydrogen peroxide, a powerful disinfectant in forest honey, it is very good for treating sore throat, cough and respiratory infections.
  • Contains antioxidants and nutraceuticals needed for good health: Since forest honey contains a high amount of antioxidants and nutraceuticals, it is highly effective in removing all the free radicals from our body, thus, improving body’s immunity and helping in preventing various diseases like cancer or heart diseases.
  • Helps in the nourishment of nervous system and improving intellectual abilities: The presence of amino acids and various minerals and nutrients help in the nourishment of nervous system and even improve the cerebral functions of the body.
    Helps in weight management: It has a lower glycaemic index. So when consumed with warm water, it can help in the digestion of fat stored in the body, thus, helping in reducing weight.
  • Helps in nourishing the skin: Since it possesses anti-bacterial properties, it can help in preventing acne breakouts, premature ageing and make the skin soft. It can even help in curing the worst of sunburns.

Forest honey overflows with antibacterial and antifungal properties, and its consumption can promote good digestive health, strengthen the immune system and protect the body and skin from various ailments. If this honey is organic, then the good effects are simply multiplied.

Organic forest honey
Extracted from the forests of Uttarakhand, forest honey from trusted brands like Terragreens, is derived without killing a single bee or destroying its honeycomb. Quite unlike the other products, this forest honey remains in a liquid state throughout the year and possesses the goodness of 100 percent natural taste and aroma. It is rich in antioxidants, essential nutrients and vitamins. The quality of such forest honey can be gauged from the fact that it is tested for traces of pesticide residue and is certified clean.
So, what are you waiting for? Start replacing those unhealthy sugars and sugar based dishes with the delicious wholesomeness of forest honey. Serve regularly to your family including kids and see them grow healthy and strong.

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